Spanish Nut Cake

OK, I admit that this recipe isn’t truly Spanish any more. It started out life as a Spanish walnut cake recipe that I came across in the early nineties, but it’s wandered a bit since then. As it happens, I could tell you an interesting story or two about a Spanish nut, but that was more than thirty years ago and I’m sure Carmen will have calmed down by now. I know I have.

This cake is great with tea but, I think, goes even better with coffee. Or maybe even a small sherry. It will also work well as a dessert with a little dash or two of something creamy. Although the walnuts and pecans combine well in this cake, you could adjust the ratio and type of nuts as the mood takes you and, if you don’t have any Frangelico, feel free to substitute another liqueur or even a flavoured syrup. This cake is pretty filling so expect to get at least 12 slices unless you’re really hungry.
Spanish Nut Cake
125 g butter, softened
250 g caster sugar
5 eggs, separated
125 g plain flour, sieved
1½ tsp baking powder
zest of ½ lemon
1 tsp vanilla extract or paste
2 tbsp Frangelico
100 g pecans, crushed (not too small)
100 g walnuts, crushed (not too small)

Preheat oven to 180°C. Butter and line a 23cm round cake tin.

Cream the butter and sugar together thoroughly. Beat in the egg yolks one at a time, followed by the flour and baking powder. Stir in the lemon zest, vanilla, Frangelico and the nuts.

Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks and fold in gently but thoroughly.

Put the mixture into the prepared tin, level it out and bake for about 40 minutes. A knifepoint inserted into the cake should come out clean when it’s done. Allow to cool for about 10 minutes in the tin before turning out to cool completely on a rack.
Spanish Nut Cake


  1. I must say, all the cakes you make are really, really good. I'd love to take a bite at this now and nut cakes are just so full of flavour. Bookmarking.

  2. Yummm...You always post scrumptious cakes. It'll be nice to sit out in the garden and have a slice or two : )

  3. Mmm pecans and walnuts. I can taste it now. Would be amazing crushed into an ice cream!!!

  4. Cake and sherry will nearly always be a winning combination! Just a quick note to say I've nominated you for the Excellence in Storytelling blogger award. You can see the post here: Also,
    This recipe is going on my ever increasing list of things to make!

    1. Many, many thanks for thinking of my blog - I'm truly pleased and honoured.

  5. Cake looks delicoius Phil, but I want to hear more about your Spanish nut ;-)

    1. Well, maybe one day after a few refreshing drinks I might be persuaded to divulge one or two anecdotes (if I can remember them).

  6. I love cakes with nuts in, so another one to try. It looks so good Phil.

  7. I love nutty cakes and yes I agree this sounds like it would be perfect with coffee. We have a cappuccino/chocolate drink here that sounds perfect for it. Yum yum Diane

  8. My comments keep disappearing but trying once more!
    I love cakes with nuts in them and I agree it sounds like it would be good with coffee. We get a cappuccino/chocolate mixture here which would be good with it :) Have a great day. Diane

  9. Love cakes with walnuts, and yours also has my other favorite ingredient, lemons! a must try, already dreaming about it with coffee!

  10. Ooh, now that looks really good Phil! :))


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